Buy Tresiba FlexTouch Pens
Tresiba FlexTouch
A disposable long-acting insulin pen available in two concentrations: 100 units/ml (U-100) pen that can dial doses up to 80 units in increments of 1 unit and a 200 units/ml (U-200) pen that can dial doses up to 160 units in increments of 2 units.
Buy Tresiba FlexTouch Pens

Resiba is a long-acting insulin that is used to control high blood sugar levels in adults and children of at least 1 year of age with diabetes. Tresiba is not for people with diabetic ketoacidosis. The hypoglycemic effect of insulin is due to the fact that it facilitates the absorption of glucose by binding to insulin receptors in muscle and fat cells, and at the same time that it inhibits hepatic glucose production. Tresiba is a pre-filled pen is available in two doses. “Tresiba 100 units/ml” or “Tresiba 200 units/ml” which is clearly indicated on the pen label and on the carton. In addition, the Tresiba 100 unit/ml carton and label are light green and the Tresiba 200 unit/ml carton and label are dark green with stripes and a red box highlighting the dose.
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