Purchase AYA DROPS
Purchase AYA DROPS Ayahuasca, meaning ‘vine of the soul’, is traditionally used as a plant medicine amongst the indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest.
The Ayahuasca plant can be brewed alone as Banisteriopsis Caapi, or in combination with the Chakruna plant which creates the psychoactive Ayahuasca often associated with South American Ayahuasca ceremonies, administered by Shamans for its purgative, cleansing and healing properties. Purchase AYA DROPS
Banisteriopsis Caapi, or ‘Aya Vine’ as it is commonly known, does not contain DMT, which is only present in the Chakruna plant.
However, Aya Vine alone is a sacred plant medicine and herbal agent, that has incredibly profound and powerful healing properties for the physical, mental and emotional bodies.
The Shamans believe that as a ‘master plant’ it helps enhance people’s empathy and contains a protective and nurturing energy, known as Mother Aya.
Apart from its indigenous use as a medicine for the healing of the mind, body and soul, studies in Western medicine regarding its healing properties have been impressive.
A study published in Scientific Reports journal in 2017 has shown the effects of Caapi, Alkaloids, Harmine, Harmaline and Tetrahydroharmine (which are MAO inhibitors), to increase brain function, work as an antioxidant and antidepressant, and help to relieve symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.
Also, Banisteriopsis caapi may help treat adult neurological disorders by stimulating neuroplasticity and its antioxidant properties can help protect the neural cell damage.
How To Purchase AYA DROPS?

B-Caapi may also have the following benefits:
- Helps with depression and anxiety
- Helps focus attention
- Inspires creativity
- Increases receptivity to new ideas and improves decision making
- Increases periods of being in ‘flow’
- Enhances intuition
- Brings deeper feelings of gratitude and love to self and others
- Grounding, and helps develop stronger boundaries
- Brings greater energy (and vitality)
- Helps release trauma, old patterns and habits
- Promotes deep inner calm
- Helps bring clarity to finding and fulfilling your life purpose
- Can help relieve symptoms of neuro-degenerative diseases (Parkinsons etc)
- Hunting aid (improved vision)
5 Tips on How To Purchase AYA DROPS
The Aya Vine we use comes direct from our reliable and sustainable source in Peru. It is harvested on the full moon and blessed by the plant gatherers, while the extract is being made. Purchase AYA DROPS
Once received, the B-Caapi tinctures are then made on a full moon in London in a cleansed, clean and sterile environment. They are blessed with singing mantras and prayer, while placed to cool alongside crystals to charge their powerful spirit energy.
So much love goes into the creation of these bottles because we personally know the healing benefits of Mother Aya and believe it is our mission to share Earth’s gift to all who are called and seek the healing of these plants. The loving vibration is evident in every bottle of Banisteriopsis Caapi when microdosed.
What ingredient Ingredients is use To urchase AYA DROPS : 100% Banisteriopsis Caapi and Distilled Water.
These drops are made from fresh cut vine from deep in the jungle of Iquitos, Peru. It is pounded then boiled in a stainless steel pot for 14 hours as it is refined slowly to a thick paste. The paste is then rehydrated with distilled water. The B. Caapi Vine is a master plant teacher. According to recent studies and testimonials, it can help with the following: Purchase AYA DROPS
- deeper connection to source and nature
- deeper meditative states
- positive thinking and mental wellness
- increased intuition, creativity, and focus
- alleviate depression and anxiety
- generating a deep sense of serenity & healing
- connecting to divine feminine and bringing in yin energy
- overcoming addiction
- memory Improvement
These drops are also a great way to prepare leading up to a full blown ceremony. Taking these for the months or weeks leading up to a ceremony can deepen your relationship with the vine so when the ceremony comes, it will be easier to connect with mother and get more out of the experience!
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